Sunday, November 4, 2018

More "Very Fine People"

By Zamboni

Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum had to step off the campaign trail this weekend to pay his respects to survivors of another senseless shooting — this time in Tallahassee, where Gillum, a Democrat, serves as mayor. Another armed jackass killed two women, wounded four others, and eventually shot himself (good riddance) at a local yoga studio.

How many people have noticed that the gunman sounds an awful lot like a Trumpster?

He had "uploaded a series of racist and misogynist videos to YouTube... [and] expressed sympathy with Elliot Rodger, who went on a misogynist killing rampage in Isla Vista, Calif., in 2014. He used a racial slur to describe black people and listed the reasons he despises them. [One video included] a section in which he called black women 'ugly and disgusting'... he called women who date black men 'whores,' spoke of an 'invasion' from Central America and ranted about women."

So, in the space of less than three weeks, we've seen more than a dozen pipe bombs mailed to Democrats by Trump lover, a synagogue massacre, two racially motivated murders at a Kroger, and now this. 

We sure hope this guy in Tallahassee didn't turn in an absentee last week. He would have been a sure vote for Rick Scott and Ron DeSantis. We cats HISS.

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