Wednesday, June 7, 2017


By Sniffles

Republicans aren't just out to gut your healthcare — they're out to destroy the English language.

We have a blogger friend who is constantly amazed at the crap that advertising agencies convince their clients to produce and air. We agree. Which means that somebody, somewhere — whether at the agency, the GOP PAC "American Action Network" or even just in the recording studio — should have caught a massive grammatical boo-boo in one of their silly pro-AHCA ads:

"As a mom, rising healthcare costs are a big concern."

Gosh! Did you know that healthcare costs could be moms? We cats HISS.

UPDATE: On that same kind of note (accuracy and precision when communicating), Trump's lawyer, Marc "I Won't Take Any Questions" Kasowitz, just published a statement on today's Comey testimony. It was peppered with misspellings and typos. Tsk!

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