Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cokie = Lamebrain

By Sniffles

We cats are waiting for Cokie Roberts to come out and say that John McCain chose a running mate from a place that's "foreign" and "exotic."

Why? Because a few weeks back, Ms. Roberts criticized Senator Obama's choice of Hawaii as a vacation spot — despite the fact that he was born there and his grandmother, who helped raise him, still lives there. "It has the look of him going off to some sort of foreign, exotic place. He should be in Myrtle Beach, you know," she gravely intoned.

So...... let's make sure we have this logic straight.

If Hawaii — our 50th state and far removed from the Lower Forty-Eight — is "foreign" and "exotic," wouldn't Alaska — our 49th state and, oh my gosh, next door to Russia! — also be so? Don't people take cruises there, like they do to the Caribbean?

So, Ms. Roberts, we cats are waiting for you to insist that Senator McCain's running mate should have been from Myrtle Beach. But since you've spent your entire "journalistic" career trying to apologize for who your parents were, we're not holding our breath. Except to HISS at you.

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