Monday, September 8, 2008

What America Means to Us

By Sniffles

We cats love America. That's why we're so distressed.

We were brought up to believe that anything was possible. Because the guys who fought at Iwo Jima represented something wonderful.

Even though JFK, RFK and Martin Luther King were assassinated. Even though women's rights ended up taking a back seat to everything.

Even though gays were persecuted, beaten, ostracized, denied healthcare and jobs — despite the fact that they helped to establish every cultural norm that America is celebrated for.

We're distressed. Because at America's darkest hour — when her international alliances are strained, when her reputation around the world is besmirched, when her Constitutional rights at home are compromised, when her economy is being surpassed by China and India — it appears from recent polls that voters are willing to go along with More Of The Same.

Four more years of Republican crap. Is it all because our nominee is not quite white?

America, is this true?

Would you willingly trade no economic policy for a sound, well-thought-out plan — because our nominee doesn't look like you?

Would you write off your squeezed mortgage, your high gas bills, your soaring electric costs, your unsettled feeling about the health of your local bank, your nagging thought that your children won't do as well you have — all because the Republican ticket has a white guy and an attractive "hockey mom"?

Would you entrust the safety of our nation for four more years to the folks who have NOT caught Osama bin Laden, and who have in fact diverted the war on terror to a totally unnecessary war in Iraq?

Would you?

We cats are waiting. If your answer to all these questions is "yes," then we're ready to take out Canadian citizenship — even if Stephen Harper prevails in October. Anything's better than a willful squandering of the American ideal.

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