Monday, September 29, 2008

The Republicans Are Revolting

By Zamboni

And yes, we mean that both ways, obviously.

You know, if this whole sorry bailout episode doesn't completely, utterly illustrate the incontrovertible fact that Republicans don't know how to govern, we cats don't know what does.

It was THEIR Treasury Secretary and Fed Chair who came to Congress and said it was an emergency. It was THEIR President who begged, "Please, please pass this legislation." And perhaps most important of all — because he wants to be entrusted with all our futures — it was THEIR nominee for President who horned in on the whole process and, incredibly, took credit for it on the campaign trail this morning, criticizing Senator Obama for his measured response.

McCain took credit for it before his fellow Republicans killed it. That's a good one.

We cats are also not amused at the House Republicans' claim that Speaker Pelosi hurt their feelings with some tough political rhetoric. We agree with Congressman Frank: They're trying to cover up for the fact that they couldn't control their votes.

Well, they can try to blame Speaker Pelosi — but if we attempt to use our credit card tomorrow and can't, we'll know who's really at fault.


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