Thursday, September 4, 2008

Election Day: October 14!

By Sniffles

It's official: Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper will visit Governor General Michaelle Jean on Sunday and ask her to dissolve Parliament.

Which means an election on October 14.

Why the rush? Why the fuss? Mr. Harper's minority government recently enacted legislation setting the next election date as October 2009 — but, as you know from previous posts, we cats suspect there are other motivations afoot.

Specifically, this: If Harper thinks his Tories can win, perhaps that will somehow steamroll McCain to victory in the U.S. in November. Never mind the fact that Canada is grappling with the same problems we are — economic challenges, an unending war, immigration issues. No, the only thing that matters is Karl Rove's playbook.

We cats PURR at Stephane Dion and the Liberal Party, and wish them well — including that adorable Justin Trudeau, the Liberal candidate for the Montreal riding of Papineau. Bonne chance, fellas.

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