Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rudy's Big Speech: Blown Up by the Palin Baby Bombshell?

By Sniffles

We cats were a little puzzled when we heard the news this morning.

Sure, in the wake of Gustav, the Republicans are messing around with their convention schedule, big-time. But why put the kibosh on Rudy Giuliani's keynote? Why exile Mr. Noun-Verb-9/11? Isn't he supposed to be the guy we all want to hear from in an emergency?

And then it hit us. Maybe after the pregnancy of Sarah Palin's unwed minor daughter — and goodness knows what else is lurking in the unvetted Palin pantry — the GOP didn't want to put a guy with questionable family values in the spotlight.

Just a thought. In the meantime, we think that Mayor Giuliani would make a lovely bridesmaid at Bristol Palin's wedding!

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